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Every Canvas is a journey all its Own – Helen Frankenthaler

At the beginning of the 1950s, speaking of her work, Artist Helen Frankenthaler observed ” Every Canvas is a journey all its own” . Here is my own thoughts on this …

When an artist  paints on a canvas, the canvas becomes the entire world for him / her. It happens with all the artists knowingly or unknowingly. They depict their thoughts and emotions on canvas which they gather from their life experiences. 
Every painting has both positive and negative space within them. It can not be completed without these spaces. In fact, its a fine balance between the positive and negative spaces. 
 Well , let’s understand what is a positive or negative space in a painting … A positive space refers to the main subject or the  main area of interest while negative space is the surrounding area of the main subject. A painting can not be completed without both the spaces. We need to maintain the balance between them although it cant be measured but its a feel ..a thought emotion which an artist puts on the canvas. Even a single POSITIVE DOT can balance the entire negative space of the canvas and vice versa. In fact, we realize that its also the impact or energy of  negative space which makes the positive space so beautiful.This positive space is the energy of the canvas even if its a small DOT. If we focus on the main subject of the painting, we understand the journey of the artist better and the thoughts behind it. 
 Similarly, when we focus on the positive space of our life, we understand better the meaning of our life journey..we also understand that even negative space is important which is the reason for making our positive space so beautiful. 
Arti Raj


Art – used as a therapy

To get youself involved in any form of art has lot of therapeutic benefits. You need not be a professional artist but even a dabbler, as every person is an artist in some or the other way.

What is an Art ? Art  is an expression through which one can share one’s feelings through a drawing, painting or sculpture  without using any words. Several research has shown that making a piece of  art lowers cortisol levels , a stess-related  hormone  in the human body.

Art is a medium which can be used as a means of self-exploration and for enhancing one’s self-esteem and awareness around us. Its a great way for a person to improve his / her mental, emotional and physical states. Art helps us to realese our emotional stess and allows a person’s mind to relax and let go of all the problems.